Register to Sail
How To Register To Sail
Before you can book a time to sail, there are things we need to do first. It is a two step process. Step 1 is you must register to sail. Step 2 is when you book your sailing times.
Step 1 - Register to Sail
1.1 - Fill out the registration form.
Click on the link below to fill out the online registration form:
1.2 - Submit your completed form.
1.3 - You will be contacted once your registration form has been processed.
You will also receive more details and useful information about what to expect and to bring for your sailing days.
Booking your sail happens at Step 2 and is a discussion you will have once your registration to sail has been completed. Read Step 2 below:
Step 2 - Booking a Sailing Date and Time
2.1 - Bookings Manager
Once your registration has been processed our Bookings Manager will contact you so you can discuss possible dates and times that might suit you.
2.2 - The Booking Manager will email you back to confirm your bookings.
Juggling the timetable to make sure everyone of our sailors gets to sail is a a challenging process, and we work very hard to see that everyone is accommodated.
It's important that you understand that Step 1 - Registration MUST be completed first before any discussion about booking your sailing dates and times can take place.
It's an easy process, really, to get you registered and booked in, and we look forward to welcoming you into our Learn to Sail Programme soon!
Can't wait to see your Sailability Smiles!