Learn to Sail
Sailability Learn to Sail Programme
Our Learn to Sail Programme is held on alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. We provide sailing opportunities for school age children through to seniors who live with physical, cognitive or sensory challenges.
This Programme is at the heart of Sailability Tauranga. We're all about fostering joy and ability, and many of our sailors return season after season to experience the special freedom that sailing brings - and to shine with more Sailability Smiles!
We offer a few options for our sailors:
Sailing for Pleasure
For some, a ride in a sailboat can be both therapeutic and joyful. We have many sailors with conditions that severely limit their cognitive ability or physical mobility, so to sail with a skilled skipper in control brings a special experience of inclusion, freedom and joy.
We have hoists to safely lift sailors in and out of the 2 person sail boat if needed, and our dock crew and skippers are very skilled, kind and encouraging.
If you are in a wheelchair, please take note: we are not allowed electric wheelchairs on the dock, so you will need to come with a manual chair to comply with health and safety requirements. Thanks.
Learn to Sail
For those who want to achieve some sailing skills, they can learn to co-pilot with their skipper. They may learn to steer the boat with the simple-to-use joystick, or trim the sails with our easy pulley system. To accomplish even the smallest sailing task can bring a great sense of achievement and boost to self-confidence - along with more beautiful Sailability smiles!
Some of our sailors are eventually able to sail solo, shadowed closely by our support boats if they happen to need assistance. Imagine how they feel about their new abilities now? Priceless..
“Sailability is like therapy and a hobby all in one. The crew are amazing,! They really make me feel welcome, and I love how we always have a good conversation. They are awesome the way they support people with different needs and abilities."
- Mikayla - Learn to Sail Programme
Special Sailing Days
Destination Sail Days
A couple of times a term we try to schedule a special destination sail and have a picnic. Sailing over to Matakana Island or Hunter's Creek are favourite spots.
Keeler Sail Days
Once a year we invite local owners of larger yachts to come along for a Keeler Sail Day. This gives our regular sailors and caregivers the thrill of sailing on a larger vessel. A real treat that everyone enjoys. More photos coming soon.